
Is Cyclohexylamine Safe?

Is Cyclohexylamine Safe?

is cyclohexylamine safe

What is cyclohexylamine?

Cyclohexlylamine is a buffering agent and corrosion inhibitor used in hair spray. It keeps the hair spray from corroding the metal bottle it's in. It is also used as a boiler additive. 

Why is it a risk?

RTECs states that cyclohexylamine shows respiratory, gastrointestinal, sense organ, reproductive, brain and nervous system effects at very low doses, especially in products that are airborne (like hairspray). It also caused cell mutations in lab tests and moderate evidence towards skin irritation. Although it's an anti-corrosive agent on metal, it is corrosive on skin, according to the European Union.

The National Library of Medicine HazMap states that it is a skin sensitizer, a dermatoxin, and can cause methemoglobinemia, a condition that disables the blood from processing hemoglobin and oxygen properly. It can also cause toxic pneumonitis, inflammation of the lungs when inhaled. 

OSHA states that "human subjects exposed to 125 mg using skin patch tests over 48 hours showed a severe reaction. Workers, wearing personal protective equipment, exposed to 4-10 ppm cyclohexylamine showed no ill effects. Cyclohexylamine has been reported to cause human mutation in sperm. Symptoms of exposure are lightheadedness, drowsiness, anxiety and apprehension, nausea, slurred speech, vomiting, and pupillary dilation."

It is unknown if cyclohexylamine has the potential to form carcinogenic nitrosamines. 

How is cyclohexylamine made? 

Cyclohexylamine is produced in two different ways. One is using a cobalt or nickel-based catalyst to hydrogenate aniline. Or through the alkylation of ammonia using cyclohexanol. 

What types of products contain cyclohexylamine? 

Cyclohexylamine is most commonly used in aerosol hair sprays. 

Is cyclohexylamine vegan?

Cyclohexylamine is typically vegan, it being synthetic and not derived from animal products. 

Bottom Line:

If you need a corrosion inhibitor in your hair spray that is itself corrosive to your skin and lungs you might reconsider your hair spray. 

9th Feb 2024

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